iOnTRAVEL - The Travel Plan Monitoring Tool

iOnTRAVEL is an online travel plan management system, developed to ensure agreed travel plans are implemented effectively, accurately and on time, and compiles an evidence base of progress against targets. The user-friendly nature of the system enables the client to upload and manage the majority of the Travel Plan data, with the local authority providing an approval, support and monitoring role. In this way, the system allows the client to take ownership of the process without over-stretching local authority human resource.

iOnTRAVEL was developed in 2010 by the Somerset County Council Travel Planning team and leading web-design company Netspin specifically to manage and monitor the travel planning process. The system is fully operational and has been used by Somerset County Council since then to manage over 150 approved Travel Plans produced by 70 registered client users.

"It is an excellent tool for transport and planning authorities to easily manage the travel plans under their control, ensuring planning obligations are fulfilled and conditions discharged effectively."